page 912 – Doing Things
Okay, so my explanation for this page being late and half-finished is especially ironic: I’ll be out of town this weekend helping my brother move, so I’ve been trying to make sure the next couple of pages are done in advance to cover the absence. And honestly, I’ve been making pretty good progress. I’ve actually got NEXT week’s stuff penciled already, and I haven’t been that far ahead on anything in MONTHS… except, I got so into plowing ahead on the later comics that I actually ended up getting horribly behind schedule on TODAY’S. So, the next few pages are pretty much guaranteed to be up on time, since I’ll be posting them in advance, but today’s page paid the price for it.
It hasn’t helped that, in my zeal to get as much stuff penciled out as possible, I did a REALLY sloppy job on the line art, so editing is taking an awful lot longer than usual while I salvage things. Thus, don’t be surprised if you come back sometime tonight to find the art’s undergone some changes even more drastic than just adding some extra color and effects.
And man, I didn’t even manage to get today’s Voting Incentive posted until around 6am. That’s the one thing was actually starting to get on time with again…
EDIT: Well, the final draft’s changes were a BIT more subtle than I’d feared, but there’s still a few things to note. First off, take a good look at that snack machine Stilez is shaking. Assuming you DIDN’T tear the top off like a tin can… how would you actually get the snacks out? How would you even SELECT one? You gotta understand that the bulk of that machine was created in editing as I gradually changed the layout and moved Stilez around, so I was so busy trying to salvage the page as a whole that I’m only just now realizing what a useless piece of machinery I created here.
Also, if you want to see a little more of that monster graphic peaking out from being the text square, it’s actually a panel from a little comic I drew years and years ago. So maybe go check that out if you feel like it?
(Historical Notes: Now THIS is frustrating. As if all the current website problems weren’t enough, that last line was SUPPOSED to be a link to a tumblr post where the comic in question was re-posted… except the link doesn’t work anymore and I can’t find the post anyplace. I don’t know WHY I would have deleted it, but it’s gone now. Well, that’s was one of the things I want to re-post over on when I finish with THESE sites and can finally turn that into a general catalogue/hub for all my other stuff. MAAAAAAAYBE I can remember to come back and add a link on this page when that happens… but it’s not very likely. Oh, and you see those fake book titles, Past Me? See how they’re perfectly funny on their own? Yeah, you quit your whining.)
@ Comic: If Tax only feeds on Stilez, then her statement is perfectly accurate. After all, Stilez is a Feral Child the size of an adult.
If Tax were to somehow derive sustenance from snuggles, that might actually be true!
Since it’s Tax, the Living Enigma, we certainly can’t rule out snuggle-based energy sources.
Except, if that were a thing, I refuse to believe that Tabitha wouldn’t already be tapping the limitless potential of that power source.
She may very well already be doing exactly that! Bridget and Alphonse have to run on something – can’t be food, since for the longest time they didn’t have mouths – Dr. Frankenstein animated his far more crude version with lightning, but Tabitha’s creations certainly wouldn’t run on something so primitive, could very well be Snuggle Energy! Alphonse has cleverly been storing it up during his time with Layla, he’s probably got years worth of surplus now!
Careful, this is the sort of thing I could actually end up working into a real comic!
@hovertext – You say that, but, as usual, the fans who like the STBs insist that STBN is the less biased network, and the fans that like the BSDs counter that that’s nonsense, BSDR is by far the less biased network.
(Personally, I feel that it’s obvious that the only truly reliable news source is NBNN, At least the Neva Bikini News Network is biased against all Humans equally. That’s really the most you can ask for. And the professional qualifications of their Reporting Team are impeccable.)
I feel like the Neva Bikini News Network would be an off-shoot of whoever made that Bikini Music show Vashti was on that one time.
I looked it up – According to Spacewikipedia, NBNN is a subsidiary of Bikini Media Distribution Ltd. (producers of 93% of the Bikini-related content on the air today), which in turn is a subsidiary of PeaceLove NatureHugs Inc. which is then owned through a 3rd party offshore branch of the Bioweapons Division of Intergalactic MegaChem.
And since it says it on Spacewikipedia, you can 100% rely on it being true, because nothing is more accurate than crowdsourcing, right?
I approve of every part of that 😀