This was another page that was harder to write than it seemed like it should have been. On the one hand, Trigger really needed to get over this whole thing really quickly for the greater good of the plot. Having things be awkward between him and Tabitha would be a distraction and needlessly complicate other matters, and I don’t think Trigger’s physically capable of holding a grudge over anything. HOWEVER, that could have been taken as implicitly condoning Tabitha’s behavior (especially given the punchline), so I really wanted to make sure that none of Layla’s objections came across as irrational. I mean, her attitude may be bad, but nothing Layla’s saying here is actually WRONG.

Speaking of working on things, I can not BELIEVE I didn’t get this page posted until nearly noon. Would you believe I started drawing at 5am Monday morning? Of course, the problem was that I was jumping back and forth between this page and penciling more Conventional Wisdom MAGFest comics. Hey, remember when I said that breaking that update into chunks would ensure that Far Out There’s schedule wouldn’t be affected? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaha…

Well, at least I got a fresh Voting Incentive up in a timely fashion. That’s good, right?

(Historical Notes: This was another one of those pages where I really had to be careful about responding to any comments, because most of what everybody said was about stuff I knew was about to come up in the next couple of pages.  It’s amazing how often that happens, almost like you people can tell when I’ve left out something that needs saying!)