Well, at least I know I got ONE page finished before I left for MAGFest! Yup, I’m writing this on Tuesday afternoon, with VERY little sleep. And hopefully, as soon as I finish typing this, I’ll get to work on next Tuesday’s comic and have THAT done before I leave for MAGFest too. If so, we might actually have a new Voting Incentive to go with it! Speaking of which, yeah, there’s no new Incentive for today, but you can always go look at those Mariska costume concepts again if you want!

As for the actual comic, this one was a bit of a challenge to write. I kept having to go back and re-do Tabitha’s dialog in the first two panels because I couldn’t remember if they’d actually met in-continuity. At first I thought “Wait, that’s not right! They’ve only met in Christmas comics and Voting Incentives!” and changed things, but then I remembered that How The Caligaris Stole Christmas is supposed to be canon, so they actually HAVE met and I changed it again. Man, even I can’t keep the continuity of this comic straight sometimes… or maybe I’m just really tired…

(Historical Notes: DANG IT, I really need to read further ahead before I do there re-posts.  I said that whole bit about this basically being Mad Scientist behavior in the notes to the last page, and then on THIS page the clever comment section said the exact same stuff all on their own.  Sorry to steal your thunder, guys!  Also, I still need to steal “Mad Sociologist” for something.)