There’s something really appropriate about this page revolving around a great big yawn, seeing as how it’s LATE because I fell asleep in the middle of drawing it.

So, yeah, the usual apologies for spending too much time working on Conventional Wisdom stuff… though it DOES look like I really will have that whole batch of comics done by this weekend, so GO ME! …then I’ll be able to start scrambling to get extra Far Out There stuff to cover my Anime Weekend Atlanta trip! WHEEE! Anyway, I’ll have the colored/polished up version of the page up later today, so check back for that.

But hey, at least I was able to get a new Voting Incentive up more or less on time!

(Historical Notes: A fun exchange in the comments, where one reader referred to Bridget’s “very aggressive yawn,” and I responded that Bridget never does ANYTHING weak.)