Hey, you wanna play a fun game? Go look through some of the older Christmas comics and see just how many times this “new” character has already appeared in the background without explanation!

Speaking of whom, I’m still working out exactly how much exposition I can wedge into the next few page’s dialog, so I’m honestly not sure exactly how much backstory is going to be revealed in the near future. But there IS one thing that I wanna say, because I don’t think it came across as clearly as I intended: Mariska here is NOT Ichabod’s elusive girlfriend (hence the Cap’n making that “SECOND least” remark) But as for what their relationship IS… well, you’ll just have to keep speculating until Friday, kiddies!

…though here’s a new Voting Incentive that should give you something else to chew on.

(Historical Notes: I’m more or less sure that the Voting Incentive in question is that first drawing of Lil’ Ichabod and Mariska, just waiting to star in that “kids going on adventures and solving mysteries” spin-off I still totally want to do some day.)