Why oh WHY did I try to do this page for today? This page needed to be something I could bust out in no time so that I could focus on packing for Hoshicon, and what did I do? A page with an entire bookshelf of askew text to inset! Yeah, I’m not at all pleased with how sloppy the lettering is in the first panel, but that’s literally the best I could do in the time I had. Oh well.

Also, I kinda screwed up Tuesday’s page a bit. The bottom panel was SUPPOSED to show Bridget sitting grumpily in a big pile of junk food bags… but as I mentioned there, I couldn’t come up with enough outlandish snackfoods, so I cut out the extra pile in the background. Alas, I forgot to give Bridget something else to do afterwards, as if she doesn’t have enough to be grumpy about right now. Well, at least Blip seems to have given her an idea.

Anyway, yeah, as you read this I’ll be at Hoshicon, and I’m sorry to say that I was NOT able to get a new Voting Incentive done before I left. Sorry! I’ll try to be back at full speed on Tuesday!

7/19 EDIT: You’ll notice the lack of a new comic thus far. Sorry, but I’m trying to stave off some con crud or something and just don’t have a page ready yet. I’ll try to have SOMETHING ready by this afternoon, though it might not be ready fully colored in until sometime tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, gang, but this ones honestly not ENTIRELY my fault.