Yes, I’m sticking by my mad insistence that all the ship’s controls are located entirely in the Cap’s big ‘ol ship wheel. Also, it can project holograms now. THE FUTURE!

So, I was trying to come up with a bunch of really outlandish sounding imaginary snack foods for Stilez to be eating… and honestly, it was really hard to come up with anything without real world precedent. If it exists, some mad fool somewhere has tried deep frying it or making a potato chip out of it. In the end, I just went with call-backs to older comics instead. That’s probably more rewarding anyway.

Also, to the surprise of absolutely no one, I don’t have today’s Voting Incentive finished yet. This time I can blame trying to get extra comics done to cover my trip to Hoshicon …which ALSO aren’t done yet. Things being as they are, I MIGHT not have a new Incentive at all on Friday. It all depends on how much other stuff I can get done ahead of schedule this week. And depending on how the Conventional Wisdom update goes afterwards, next Tuesday might possibly be incentive-less as well, it’s hard to say. You don’t have to worry about TODAY’S, though, it’ll be up as soon as I get it colored in.

OH! And just in case you missed my last-minute note last time: I finally put the new cast pages up! …except not “finally”. The hold up was new profile art for all the characters, and that’s still not done yet. But all the profile text is up, and that’s better than nothing!

EDIT: THERE! New Voting Incentive is up!

(Historical Notes: Yet another page where I need to remember to come back and add a link, specifically to the Voting Incentive where Cake Soda came from.)