Yes, we basically had a milder version of this very sequence of events a few pages ago, but I don’t care because the payoff to this one is a lot cuter than that one was.

…though I DO wish I’d done a better job with the second panel. The viewpoint there probably should have been over one of the boy’s shoulders, making it clearer that they’re looking PAST Layla rather than AT her. Well, four out of five panels worked out, that’s pretty good, right?

So, once again, I forgot to mention in advance that there was a special holiday page comic over the weekend… well, Holiday Weekend here in America, anyway. Yesterday was Independence Day, so I did an extra little toon for the day.

Alas, yesterday also resulted in me not having a new Voting Incentive ready yet. Not only was I doing that extra Far Out There, but I had an extra Conventional Wisdom Patreon comic that was kind of date specific, so I had to scramble to get that done on TOP of the one I’d already done for the weekend. All that put together, on top of having family over for holiday stuff, and you can see why I won’t have the Incentive ready until sometime tonight, right?

EDIT: Okay, new Voting Incentive is finally up. Admittedly, this one would have made a lot more sense if I’d managed to get it up a day EARLY rather than a day late, but there wasn’t much chance of that happening.

(Historical Notes: This turned out to be one of the weirder running gags in Far Out There, and I keep trying to think of even weirder ways to revisit it.)