Layla’s probably one of those people who schedules out specific “HAVE FUN” times on the vacation schedule. Down to the minute.

So, hey, remember how I didn’t post a new Voting Incentive Tuesday so that I could get a head start on later incentives, like the one for today? Well, guess what’s not done yet!!!! Yup, really useful couple of days, huh? Ti be fair, I did end up getting a lot of OTHER stuff done, which is why that particular item didn’t get checked off the To Do List. A new Incentive IS on the way, though, it’s just not finished yet, so check in later.

Oh, and speaking of which, an important milestone has been reached on the new Voting Incentive & Patreon Gallery… namely, It finally, FINALLY has some material from Patreon on it! And it only took… how many weeks? I’m pretty sure it was a lot…

EDIT: Well, that took longer than it should have, but at least I have a BIT of an excuse for this part. Some unexpected family stuff came up, and kinda sorta really slowed the drawing down (though that wouldn’t have MATTERED if I’d actually gotten a page buffer built up like I said I would) Anyway, NEW VOTING INCENTIVE IS UP! You may now spend the next few seconds wondering which obscure secondary female character is getting stuck in a weird costume THIS time!

(Historical Notes: If you look closely, you can see that this is around the point where I started drawing Trigger’s hair a bit longer.  I knew I wanted to change his design up in that direction, but it seemed too distracting to just up and start drawing him differently like I did with Tabitha.  Instead, I tried to gradually stretch things out more and more over a long period of time… which still adds up to him apparently growing at least a foot of hair in a week or so if you try to add up the in-universe passage of time.  But we all know better than to try that where Far Out There is concerned, right?)