Let’s see, what HAVEN’T I blamed a late page on over the past month or so… OH! Being sick! Yeah, I’m still not sure just what I caught a wiff of yesterday, but I’ve felt like CRAP since that afternoon. This page was taking even longer than it should have to get drawn, and that was BEFORE I started nearly falling asleep at the computer. In the face of all that, I decided to go ahead and post a rough draft of the page right now, just in case the finished version and new Voting Incentive take even longer than expected. Either check back here later today or, you know, watch Twitter/tumblr/Facebook for an update. I’m not gonna post today’s link until I’ve finally got the whole thing done… whenever that is (Seriously, I go outside for, like, half an hour and BOOM! Instant physical collapse)

EDIT: Well, that took longer than expected, didn’t it? I can at least PARTIALLY blame my having to spend some of Saturday moving things, PARTIALLY. But, yeah, finished page and new Voting Incentive is up. And on that note, I’ve decided to leave this Incentive up on Tuesday instead of a new one. For one thing, it took so long to get this one up that I want to make sure everyone actually gets a chance to see it. But more than that… well, I’ve obviously been having trouble getting these things up on time the past few weeks, so I’m gonna take a few extra days to try and get an Incentive buffer built up. (ya know, you’d think it’d be the COMICS that take longer to draw… but no. Weird.)

(Historical Notes: This is another page where re-editing could only do so much, and the real issues could only have been addressed with a full-on re-draw of the second panel.  That whole Tabitha/Stilez pose has NEVER felt right to me, thanks to the pose itself being awkward and causing me to lose track of the characters’ proportions.  I mean, I’ve already said elsewhere that it’s a bit of a challenge to draw Tabitha as noticeably thinner than the other characters without going over the line of looking sickly, and that’s all the harder when she’s next to Stilez, who’s ALSO supposed to look lanky but not in the same way.  Combine that with the weird, twisting pose I put Tabitha in, and there’s a LOT about this drawing that just doesn’t come together right.  If I were to do it over again, I’d have Tabitha’s legs pointing a different direction, sort of curled up under her, and generally bend her in a more natural direction… but of course, I can’t be taking the time to do that.  Grumble grumble grumble.)