page 827 – defusing the situation
Boy, sure is a good thing I put Voting Incentives on hold for a while, otherwise today’s page might have gone up hours late and only half finished! How lame would THAT have been, right?
Yeah, even with that off my plate, I was still super busy yesterday trying to get a bunch of stuff ready to print this weekend (and failed, I’m still gonna have to work on that some more this afternoon) including this snazzy new Gright poster!
I WILL be trying to get an extra large batch of Killer Station of Deadly Doom pages added to the new Incentive Gallery over the weekend, though, so hopefully that’ll tide you guys over a bit. Really, I need to be picking up the pace on that anyway, ‘cos all the NEW Incentives & Patreon comics that need to get shared with the general public are… kinda pilling up.
(Historical Notes: This is one of those pages where I wound up spending waaaaaaaay too much time fiddling with tiny little details only I would ever have noticed either way. I think it’s mostly because this was the first page in a while to not have gradients and background effects all over the place, so I actually COULD edit little details. I had to let a lot slide on the previous few pages, so I may have over-compensated here.)
Question unrelated to this particular page. Assuming that Trigger doesn’t know enough Mad Science to properly disarm it, is it possible that he could learn enough about Technological Mad Science from Tabitha to do his destruction/deactivation mojo on true Mad Science Original Creations? I mean, we’ve seen him do it on what we can only assume to be Mad Science Creations, but we don’t know if they actually were, or were instead simply accessory technology that the Mad Scientists travel with for power sources, spare parts or material creation.
I think the line between “Mad” and “Not-Mad” science is intrinsically blurry enough that Trigger can still sabotage something incredibly scifi even without truly understanding how it works. Breaking something is always easier than fixing it, after all. Trigger’s added expertise is more in knowing how to hide what he did, avoid being seen while doing it, and keeping anyone from realizing what it actually was that he did at all.
We do know there’s limits, though, because he was unable to sabotage, or unsabotage, the Super Apocalypse Nightmare Device (Look! It spells S.A.N.D.!!) because neither he nor Avatar, who knows everything, could even figure out what the heck it was, much less how it operated. Sufficiently nonstandard Mad Science seems to defy sabotaging.
Oh, the blue swirly popcorn maker from pages 384~396 that Avatar’s head was stuck in.
…the problem with your explanation is that they had to look at the SAND while it was already broken in an obvious manner, while not really being able to access the electronics or even knowing what the machine was meant to do. If it was something other than the twenty-third most complicated popcorn-making machine in existence, or at least slightly more obvious in it’s purpose, they might have had a chance.
Really that was just mostly a check to see if anyone remembered what the S.A.N.D. was 🙂
I didn’t. But I knew roughly where to look, and found it easily enough. That’s why I listed the page numbers.