Totally Random Trivia Time: the doors in this page are all ripped off from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The door to the hall is based on the Holodeck entrance, while that big gate on the side is based on the emergency door in Engineering… and I have to point out that’s a door (or, at best, a temporary wall) to explain why the cargo bay was so much bigger the last time we saw it.

Speaking of last times, today is the last of the Astrid Exploitation Poster Voting Incentives! I’m not sure when I’ll do another ongoing series of Incentives again, there’s enough other stuff in the works at the moment that it might be easier to do stand alone stuff for a few weeks. I dunno, we’ll see.

Speaking of other stuff, I didn’t do a Jenna comic for Patreon this week… because I was too busy finishing a special five-page comic based on supporter feedback! Remember, it only costs One Dollar a month to read all these extra comics, and Five Dollars a month gives you a chance to have input of your own! So sign up as a supporter today!

Finally, I don’t want anybody to miss out on the conversation that was starting up on the last page, so I’ll ask again: do you have any suggestions for this year’s Halloween comic?

(Historical Notes: At the time, I think I only included the whole “big door closing off part of the cargo bay” as a way to make the area that about to get flooded at least SOMEWHAT the same size as the area the water is coming from.  Ya know, so it wouldn’t spread out and just be ankle deep.  But upon further reflection, of COURSE Cap’n Crosby would insist on that to make sure none of the actual cargo got wet! Past Me was accidentally clever!)