I should really be saying something about the actual comic itself, but honestly, I’m too busy being relieved that THE CONVENTIONAL WISDOM UPDATE IS FINALLY FINISHED! So be sure to go check that out, not to mention the OTHER pages that’ll be on Patreon in a week!

Oh, and speaking of things that aren’t done yet, I’m honestly not sure if there’ll be a new Voting Incentive or not by the time you read this. I mean, I know there’ll be one EVENTUALLY, I’ve already drawn the thing. But for once, I got to work on the actual COMIC first, so the Incentive isn’t colored yet. The new one should be up before too terribly long, but ya’ll early birds might still be reading this before I finish it. We’ll see.

(Historical Notes: Okay, this page officially tries to be too clever with the colors and layout.  At the time, I tried to justify the weirdness by saying it was because Stilez running and Blip hitting the wall were supposed to be occurring simultaneously, and maybe if there wasn’t ALSO all the color going on that’d be excusable.  And I can also see how Past Me could argue that the contrasting colors were necessary to keep the overlapping panels distinct from each other… but Present Me would just respond that any layout that needs to be color-coded to make sense is TOO BUSY AND CONFUSING.  I think the only way a page like this could work is if ever single panel was a stand-alone scene that could be read in any order, and preferably didn’t have any speech bubbles to make things more cluttered than they already are.)