Oh, come on, Layla. If you seriously thought Stilez would question ANYTHING Tax says, you haven’t been paying attention.

Oh, and speaking of paying attention, look! It’s Phillip Freeman, the Christmas Tree guy! Another of the holiday characters has finally made it into the main comic!

…okay, okay, I know. This page was late again. Sorry, gang, I got stuck in that “Oh man, I need to get all this extra stuff finished before I leave for the convention next week OH CRAP, I NEVER GOT TOMORROW’S PAGE DONE” loop again. In my own defense, though, THIS time it was mainly due to the new Patreon stuff. If I wasn’t still getting used to that extra stuff on the schedule, I might actually have finished this on time! Speaking of which, have you thought about becoming a Patreon supporter yet? There’s a whole extra Far Out There storyline starting up there! You can see it if you pledge as little as one dollar a month!

And speaking of new series, were you wondering what excuse I’d think up to put Astrid in a bunch of gimmicky outfits for the Voting Incentives? I’m willing to bet you didn’t think of the same excuse I did.

(Historical Notes: OOOOOOOoooooh that time management thing would not get any better, would it?  On a less negative note, after I complained about the gradients in the last page, I think THIS page is a good example of how to randomly add big, needless blobs of color and NOT make the page worse for it.  Look, there’s ACTUAL BACKGROUNDS!  That’s SOOOO much better!)