OOOOOooooh boy, here we go. You know how pretty much all of you thought – at one point or another during this arc – that the alleged terrifying & deadly Stilez didn’t seem… well, very scary? Come on, you know you thought it. Superstrength or no superstrength, how could the scatterbrained goofball we’ve been seeing inspire the level of terror we’ve seen from people like Ichabod? WELL, I’M GLAD YOU ASKED! Here, have probably the angriest pair of eyes I’ve ever drawn in my life!

Also, check it out! I actually got a page done RIGHT AT MIDNIGHT for once! And it didn’t even require me getting it done a week in advance or anything! THERE IS HOPE!

And last but not least, a new Voting Incentive which was kind of a last minute change of plans, but I think it turned out pretty well considering.

EDIT: Uh, whoops? I got so excited about the art on the last panel that I forgot to add the action lines over it. Thankfully, that’s a LOT easier to add in after the fact than Disonar’s hair.