Hey yeah, there was a big ol’ ship in this place! This whole story arc is a long sequence of things we forget about until they suddenly interrupt something else.

So, yeah… For once, this page is really late and it’s NOT my fault! The frickin’ power went out yesterday, when it was JUST late enough that I couldn’t see well enough to keep drawing. And, obviously, even if I could draw, scanning wasn’t an option. So here we are, really dang late page AGAIN. (And that’s how I explain my just now realizing that I forgot to include the ceiling details in the second panel)

Anyway, Voting Incentive. The thought occurs that the overwhelming majority of these Incentives have consisted of cute girls in cute girl outfits doing cute girl stuff. And hey, that’s relevant to my interests, but I get that it’s not everybody’s thing. So here’s a Voting Incentive for those of you with other tastes.

(Historical Notes: Okay, I THINK the Voting Incentive being referenced here is that one with all the dudes at a pool.  Regarding stuff that’s actually ON the website as I write this, the previous page does NOT properly set up this one, at all.  Yes, there’s a “BOOM” sound effect, and we’re supposed to infer here that it was from the ship firing on Stilez, but that’s not what that page LOOKS like.  With no actual explosion visible, it looks like the sound effect is just coming from Stilez breaking things, making this page feel like it’s coming out of nowhere.  And the worst part is, I think THIS page turned out really well.  The sudden re-appearance of the hovership is quite nice, and the sudden contrast between the previous pages’ rainbow colors and Smokey Charred Stilez is very effective.  Just too back the page setting it all up dropped the ball.)