Not gonna lie, I spent a looooong time fiddling with the last panel here. Just for once, I wanted to at least TRY and do a spaceship/hovercraft/whatever that didn’t look embarrassingly sloppy. And I guess it turned out alright.

Anyway, there’s some OOOOOLD continuity up at the top of the page. Let’s see who can remember where that stuff came from?

And speaking of old, another new Voting Incentive on an old story idea!

(Historical Notes: Man, I spent sooooooo long cleaning up all the little details on that ship the first time around… and then did it ALL OVER AGAIN the second time around.  It’s really subtle, but I think I was able to clean up a LOT of perspective problems and generally make the ship look less… floppy.  Also, I had to try and be coy when it happened, but one of the comments for this page ABSOLUTELY NAILED what the twist with Astrid was going to be.  I might have slightly panicked when I read that post… though at least nobody guessed the OTHER surprise of this arc.)