OH NO! THE SPIKY THING HAS A HORRIBLE LASER GUN THING HIDDEN INSIDE! SURELY OUR BELOVED HEROES ARE IN MORTAL DANGER THIS TIME! HOWEVER WILL THEY ESCAPE THIS GENUINELY PERILOUS AND LIFE-THREATENING yeah nobody reading this seriously believes this will actually turn out to be threatening do they? Heck, even Avatar’s not buying it (but then, threatening that girl with ANYTHING would be a real trick) I guess the real question is what kind of comical anti-climax we’re building towards… UNLESS I’M PLAYING MIND GAMES WITH YA’LL AND IT REALLY IS DANGEROUS AND there’s no way you’re buying that either.

And, of course, we’ve got another new Voting Incentive for everybody!

(Historical Notes: Man, this while stretch of pages are prime examples of where color does what it’s SUPPOSED to do in this comic, punctuate the action.  I should have a note hanging above my computer that just says “sitting around talking does not require multiple colors”)