OH SNAP, an early update! I’m working hard to get extra pages done before all the traveling these next couple of weeks, and no sense in leaving a finish page just sitting in my computer for a few extra hours, right?

And anyway, I’m quite fond of how this one turned out. It’s been a while since I did a page with this much… STUFF in it. It’s murder on the hand, but all that business is really pleasing to the eye. Originally, I was gonna include some easter eggs by sticking some recognizable Sci Fi props into all the clutter, but that detail kind of got lost in the inking (Most of these panels aren’t close up enough for that sort of thing to be seen anyway)

Oh, and just so you know, if my family had the space to just store shelves upon shelves of silly junk, we TOTALLY would.

And speaking of family, New Voting Incentive! Be sure to see it soon, too, ‘cos it won’t be up as long as usual. You guys have had to put up with too many 1-Intentive-Weeks lately, and I’m really itching to get The Killer Station of Deadly Doom wrapped up, so I’m gonna put the new one online sometime before I leave Thursday. (I can’t believe there’s only three more pages after this!)