I’m gonna give a groan of my own over how late this update is. I know it’s not really that much worse than what we’ve been seeing for the last few months, but I actually had all this stuff inked by 3 pm! By all rights, this page should have been finished and ready to go online by sundown, but noooooooooo. I just HAD to lay down for “a quick nap” that got out of hand, then planning stuff for Otakon spiraled out of control, and THEN my Internet went out… so yeah, late update.

It was especially frustrating since I really like this page. Tabitha’s dialog is some of the funniest bits we’ve had in a while, and everybody’s reactions to everything turned out great. I like the subtle stuff, like Bridget’s visible anger at Layla talking back to her Mamma, or Alphonse knowing this news won’t go over well. And of course, the not-subtle-at-ALL expressions crack me up every time.

Interesting news on the Voting Incentive front, by the way: Not only is there a new Incentive waiting for you, but I actually managed to pound out rough drafts of the rest of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom over the weekend. Yup, all the way to the end! It’ll be at least a few more months before you guys get to see ’em all, but it’s just nice to have SOMETHING actually finished around here…