*sigh* another page that I’m not terribly pleased with. The first panel wastes WAY too much space, causing bottom ones to lose a lot of the intended impact. Sadly, this is yet another case of my not having time to do another draft and fix these problems…

…which is a segue into less complain-y matters: by the time you read this, I’ll be back in North Carolina! The move will FINALLY be over! I can finally get back to stuff like replying to things on the forums, posting comics I’m not wildly unsatisfied with, and bringing back Voting Incentives! YAY!!!

Still, I must confess I’m not sure how the rest of this week will go. I’d HOPED to go ahead and have Friday’s page done in advance as well as this (I’m writing this on Sunday) so that there’d be more time to build up a buffer of incentives and whatnot. Since that didn’t happen, I can’t guarantee any Voting Incentives before next Tuesday. There MIGHT be one Friday, but maybe not, I just don’t know.

On a similar note, there MIGHT be a special Fourth of July page on Thursday. I’ve missed so many chances to do holiday pages over the past few months, I really want to give this one a shot… but that assumes I’ll be able to get yet another comic drawn in the next day or so, and that’s kind of a big assumption. Heck, I can’t even be sure my computer will be up and running by the 4th (that’s the other reason I’d hoped to have Friday’s page done already) Again, just check back here on Thursday and we’ll see what’s what.

(Historical Notes: Another thing about this page is the weirdness of the screen tone effects in the bottom page.  One of the main reasons I don’t use those all that much anymore is because of what a crapshoot it always was to see how all those tiny dots would look on the scaled down website-friendly version of the page.  I’m sure somebody somewhere knows exactly how to do that right, but seeing as how the whole POINT of those effects is for printed works, not stuff on computer screes, I mostly just avoid it all these days.)