Aaaaaaaand now we’re back to “pages that really needed a second draft” land again. Turns out spelling out un-sound effects in comical puff of smoke (or dust or whatever the little clouds in the wake of cartoon characters running are) is more challenging than I expected. But, unfortunately, it was about 2 AM when I finally started inking this thing, so starting over wasn’t really an option.

On that note, let me joyously announce that I’m ALMOST out of the woods on this whole DC thing. I’ll be finished at work on Tuesday, and a week after that, I’ll be back in Raleigh. After THAT, I can finally, FINALLY start cleaning up the shoddy, slip-shod mess that is My Comics. At the very least, these Six Hour Late updates won’t be happening as often…

(Historical Notes: I was surprised that some people genuinely couldn’t tell what was happening in the second panel, or at least sleep-deprived, mid-moving me was surprised.  Looking back, it’s fairly obvious that there needed to be some action lines pointing to the right of the frame mixed in with all those “nope” puffs.  Also, Layla’s anatomy keeps throwing me off as I look back on these pages.  Obviously, after drawing her in baggy clothes for so long, I’d kind of thrown myself straight into the deep end with this skintight suit, and the weird blocky bits threw off the proportions that much more.  But what really gets me is how TALL she looks.  Like, not just in the sense that the other characters on the page are smaller than her, though that contributes to it, but in the sense that she looks to skinny.  And again, not in the “Layla’s all curvy and buxom” sense, but in stuff like arms and waste and neck and whatever.  I dunno, Layla here just strikes me as normal-looking dimensions for a tall-ish adult, not somebody who’s only got a foot or so of height over Avatar.  This concludes “Guy Who Draws Heads The Size Of Beach Balls Lecturing About Bodily Proportions.”)