Oh look! The Cap’n still exists! Hi there!

Speaking of which, an explanation just in case it’s not sufficiently clear what’s happening: Tabitha is using Alphonse’s projection to relay all the communication between her and the ship to Avatar and Layla. So that’s The Cap’n talking through Alphonse, not Tabitha (I thought about including a little doodle of his head in the speech bubble to make it clearer, but it didn’t really work)

So, as I mentioned earlier, I’m having to put Voting Incentives on hold for the next month or two, so today is the last The Killer Station of Deadly Doom for a while. I happen to think I found a fairly awesome note to pause on, though. Go see and enjoy!

(Historical Notes: It was rightly pointed out in the comments that I SHOULD have moved the character/word balloon placement around so that the line being broadcast through holo-Alphonse could actually be connected to the one coming from the Cap’n.  It wouldn’t have been hard to have the the colors fade to red mid-way down the connecting line… though it WOULD have been hard to completely re-do the whole bottom two-thirds of the layout.)