So, I could ramble on a bit about this page, but instead I’m going to take this time to get some business out of the way regarding updates. I said earlier than I might have to cut back on the update schedule this summer, what with conventions and the big move and everything coming up. Well, I think I can avoid messing with the main comic’s schedule, but the Voting Incentives are gonna have to suffer for it. There’s a new Killer Station of Deadly Doom today, and there’ll be at least another week of them after this, but by the end of May I’ll have to put it on hiatus for a while. I really hate to to this NOW, when the story’s actually really close to finishing, but I’m gonna need a LOT of buffer material to cover the next couple of months. Sorry guys!

(Historical Notes: MAN I wish these re-posts would go faster so I could start messing with the old Voting incentives.  I wanna start going through The Killer Station of Deadly Doom again!)