So… for about two seconds, Layla’s line in the third panel was going to be “But how come I’M not bouncing?”. Thankfully, I soon realized LAYLA IS FORBIDDEN TO SAY THINGS LIKE THAT UNTIL SHE CHANGES HER CLOTHES.

Speaking of clothes, we haven’t mentioned Avatar’s robe in the comic for a while, so a quick refresher: the robe is made from a material roughly as indestructible as she is, so it’s the only clothes she feels comfortable wearing around. The inconvenience of it not fitting is outweighed by uncomfortable feeling of wearing an outfit that, to her, feels like it could be blown off by a sneeze (Yes, we’ve seen Avatar is other outfits, but those were either during non-canon comics or pajamas, which don’t really couldn’t as “clothes” anyway.)

And last but most certainly not least, there’s a new Killer Station of Deadly Doom which I honestly think may be the best looking page of the whole story so far. You are encouraged to go check it out.

(Historical Notes: One of the comments for this page brought up the matter of Bridget & Alphonse’s pointy ears… and why holo-Alphonse doesn’t have them.  The idea has always been that those pointy gray things are some kind of elaborate hearing aid apparatus because their actual ears don’t work, presumably for reasons similar to why they can’t talk.  Since the ear-things aren’t technically “part” of them, they aren’t represented on the holo-projection.  Unfortunately, that’s the kind of minutia that’s really hard to work into regular comic dialog.  In fact, I think it STILL hasn’t been mentioned in an actual regular page.)