Okay, if you tuned in late or just didn’t bother reading the author’s comments last time, this page and the previous one were originally going to be the same comic. I freely admit that, upon breaking in two, I botched the execution of the first half (too little material, recycling the same joke as the previous comic), but I defend the original decision on the grounds of how THIS page turned out. Trying to wedge two or three extra panels into this page would have meant shrinking down the panels of Alphonse’s “scan”, and that just wasn’t going to work. If all that Magical Girl stuff I watched earlier has taught me anything, it’s that the special attack is a BIG DEAL, especially the first time we see it. And, I mean, come on! Alphonse just shot a fireball as big as he is! That has to have room to breathe!

Of course, the very concept of explosion-based sensors seems to be the point at which absurdity overpowers even Layla’s cuteness stupor.

And speaking of cuteness, Tabitha giving Bridget a lil’ pat on the head just because. SQUEEE!!!

Finally, speaking of things that go boom, there’s a new Voting Incentive for you guys! Enjoy!

(Historical Notes: Despite the alt text’s assurances to the contrary, there was some discontent that the filler text on the screen was scaled down two small to read.  I’m serious, though, it’s just a random rant about cereal with no actual joke anywhere.  Heck, the first sentence is literally an acknowledgement that it doesn’t matter what I write because no one will be able to read any of it!  Everybody just relax!)