The critical part of my brain says “Wow, I though that bit about “reusing animation” was just a joke, but this is practically the same page as Tuesday!”

…but then the rest of me says “ALPHONSE IS DOING THINGS, YAY!!!”

So, yeah. This is actually another one of those times where I realized I had too much stuff to wedge into one page and had to break it in half last minute. Unfortunately, that resulted in all the stuff that ISN’T repeating the previous page ended up getting shoved into the next page… which was a fairly bad idea. Did I mention I also got started on this page really late?

Oh, and speaking of stuff that I had to split in half at the very last minute, there’s also a new Voting Incentive! (So, remember what I said earlier about my life being hectic?)

(Historical Notes: as if things weren’t enough of a mess already, this page actually went up with one of the bigger oversights in Far Out There history.  See that big ol’ “shazam” sound effect, that helps drive home that some action is taking place here?  Well, the people who read this page as soon as it went up on SmackJeeves sure didn’t!  I totally forgot to include that VERY important detail until later the next day.  And that’s on a page that, honestly, doesn’t really have any reason to exist beyond me needing something I could knock out quickly. VERY professional, huh?)