Original note – May 30, 2008
I think a part of me died writing this page. All this stuff is funny as a gag that goes by in a second, but when you have to dwell on it long enough to actually do a whole page, you realize that it’s pretty horrifying. Panel 6 in particular went through some pretty disturbing drafts before getting to the one you’re seeing.

Speaking of horrifying, check out the color panel. And now you know why Blitz usually does his comic in black and white.

Oh, and I’m about half done with the new layout for the site. It should all be up and running at some point this weekend.

(Historical Note: DO I even HAVE to make a joke about that last one?  As I write this, I just spent a good thirty minute re-editing posts because I changed the site clock and didn’t realize it’d screw up what order the pages would be in.  Websites are HARD.)