And after finally bringing back normal coloring, I do a page that’s mostly line art. I’m weird like that.

That said, I really enjoyed doing this page. It’s nice to just cut loose and draw some crazy critters, and I think these critters turned out very nicely. The question is, will the actual cause of all this actually resemble anything on this page? DUN DUN DUUUUUN?!?!?!?

Also, Tabitha’s parenthetical comment about the anomaly option turned out nicer than I expected. Originally, I just wanted to head off the inevitable observation that “energy eating something” is a plot device Far Out There has used before (I’m honestly surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention that yet). But as I wrote the line out, that little bit where Tabitha defends her father just naturally wormed it’s way in, and I think it’s another nice moment for her. No matter what, she’s gotta look out for poor, crazy Dad, right?

Finally, there’s a new Voting Incentive, and by that I DON’T mean I finally posted the one I hadn’t finished Friday. No, THAT one went online Sunday, this is a really, honstly NEW new one. If you didn’t tune in over the weekend and missed that update, though, have no fear. I went ahead and update the Incentive Gallery, so you can go get caught up if you need (and I hope you do, ‘cos the previous Incentive has a nice character moment of its own)