Wow, this one sure took a while. It wasn’t even that complicated a page (MOSTLY, but more on that in a sec), I just didn’t get started on it until very late. Work was particularly brutal over the weekend, and once I saw I had Tuesday off, and thus could stay up as late as I needed to finish this… well, doing things quickly just didn’t seem very appealing.

That last panel WAS kind of tricky, though. There’s a lot of awkward postures going on, and the way everyone’s kind of leaning on each other just made things trickier (I move one character a little, and the other two have to move as well) I still don’t think I quite got everything right… BUT WHO CARES, IT’S SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!!

Oh and if that wasn’t enough, get this: WE FINALLY HAVE A NEW VOTING INCENTIVE!!! Go vote and see it! (Also, I updated the Incentive Gallery, since I figured you guys might want to refresh your memory of what was going on before this little lapse)

(Historical Notes: I have NO idea what’s going on with Layla’s arm in the final panel)