*yawn* Okay, I really want to make SOME kind of comment about the comic itself, or at least yell at myself for the lazy background, but I really don’t have it in me. I didn’t even get started on this page until after midnight, and that’s after spending all week trying to make headway on Conventional Wisdom. Progress has been slow.

Which brings me to the one thing I WILL say: no voting Incentive again. I know, I know, I REALLY hate to keep punking out on you guys, but I’m just completely spent at the moment. As in, it’s disturbingly hard for me to form words right now.

So, yeah. I’ll come back and make some intelligent observations once some of the other 145,761,349 thing I need to finish this week are done. In the meantime, you guys can make some intelligent comments of your own! You’re good at that.