This is another page where I’m inclined to gripe about the art a LOT. It’s not just one thing this time, either. We’re entering into “OH CRAP, OTAKON IS IN A WEEK” mode, so I bashed this page out even faster than usual. Thus, it REALLY feels like a rough draft rather than a finished product to me. Messy panel layout, so-so character art, and boxes that seem to jump around from one panel to the next (though I TRIED to cover that up by changing the perspective from one panel to the next), it’s all really unpolished. But, as I’ll be saying a LOT for the next few weeks, going back and starting over wasn’t an option.

There is ONE thing I like, though, and that’s Kevin’s expression in the last panel. You see that face? That’s years and years worth of “What have I done?” all rolled up in one face.

And speaking of mood whiplash, there’s a new page of the Killer Station of Deadly Doom for you all! Go vote and see!