Well, there you have it. It looks like the only thing all this accomplished was diverting Megaweapon away from physical attacks to verbal ones. Um… yay?

I have several little nitpicky things bugging me about this page (oh gee, big surprise there). I really, really wanted an extra panel before the last one where Megaweapon storms off and Jenna just kind of stands there surprised… but I also really really wanted a big, space-is-large type establishing shot. Sadly, there just wasn’t room for both, and a big panel up top just made for a more attractive layout. Still, I really do miss having that extra beat before Jenna’s last line.

Also, I was really exited about FINALLY getting to draw interiors for a ship other than The Exposition. Yeah, blank white walls are easy to draw, but it gets BORING after a while. So I spent way to long thinking about what the look of this ship’s rooms would be and how to make it different from The Exposition… and then I realized we wouldn’t be able to SEE any of those details behind all the boxes I’d previously established. Well, at least I got to write some weird stuff on the boxes. THAT was fun to do again.

EDIT: Aww poop. I forgot to color in the ship. It’s supposed to be grey, not white. Well, I’ll fix it after I get some sleep…

Finally, new Killer Station of Deadly Doom, in which unexpected things happen. Go see.

(Historical Notes: I’m pretty sure I could have found room for that extra pane if I’d shrunk down the second and third ones a bit more.  Megaweapon’s “about to blow” moment definitely didn’t need that much space.)