So, I DO have a new, working scanner at this point… but I didn’t know for sure that I would by now when I drew this. Thus, this is another hastily bashed out one that I did right before the bug-infested scanner got tossed. I mention this to explain why it’s kinda… rough. I had to do a LOT of post-scanning editing, and I’m still not all that pleased with the line art here. Also, I REALLY feel stupid for not including some wacky, possibly messed up TV show for Trigger to be watching. We’ve gone WAY too long without a funny background event like that!

All that aside, there IS something I really like that came out of the “Oh crap, I gotta finish this before I pass out” conditions under which this comic was drawn. originally, Trigger and Jenna’s exchange was just the start of a larger, more complicated page… one which I didn’t have time to draw that night. Said page had Layla lurking in the background listening, so I threw in the close-up so that this half-page would have some kind of climax to it. And now, it’s my favorite part of the whole thing. EVERYONE IS GETTING SO EMOTIONAL AROUND HERE.

Speaking of which, the direction this story has taken surprises even me. The whole reason this “little” arc has dragged out as long as it did was because I didn’t want leave Jenna with Megaweapon tormenting her. With that “Oh, I must help this poor girl” motivation in mind, it’s interesting that Jenna’s somehow ended up as the one kid here who doesn’t seem to NEED anybody’s help. Everyone else is a wreck, and she’s the one doing all the comforting. How’d THAT happen?

Finally, thanks to that new scanner I mentioned, The Killer Station of Deadly Doom is back… again! Go vote and read, this would be an unfortunate point to fall behind on things *knowing laughter*

(Historical Notes: Just a little fun fact, but this page came out right before a big ol’ hurricane knocked out power in DC for a few days.  So as soon as I finally had a new, working, bug-free scanner, I couldn’t USE it for anything.  It’s always something, right?)