This just is NOT Trigger’s day, is it? Well, at least Jenna’s proving to be relatively level-headed about the whole thing (which I know a few of you were concerned about) Man, how did we end up at a point where JENNA was the least unhappy kid in the comic?

Speaking of unhappy kids, The Killer Station of Deadly Doom continues to roll along. Go vote and see how else Ichabod can make Mooney feel foolish!

(Historical Notes:Looking back over this whole arc, I wondered a bit if Trigger’s plot against Megaweapon might be out of character, given how… mean it is.  Is it really in keeping with a sweetheart like Trigger to try and threaten somebody,even a jerk like Megaweapon?  But this part here makes me feel like everything still works.  Being a kind-hearted softie doesn’t mean you never think about lashing out, but rather that you feel bad about it afterwards.)