I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: those boys do NOT deserve a sister like Jenna. She still genuinely loves the brats, no matter how much they deserve to have lousy things happen to them.

So… yeah. This isn’t working out the way Trigger expected, is it?

EDIT: Now that I look at it, Trigger’s pose in the top panel seems to take some inspiration from THIS page of Fragile. I dunno if that should be considered a shout out or what.

On a much happier note, though, THE KILLER STATION OF DEADLY DOOM IS BACK ON AGAIN! Go vote for Far Out There on TWC and see the latest page, and get caught up on what was going on by going through the Incentive Gallery. I had to read over everything again to make sure I remembered where I was, and I gotta say, I’d forgotten just how much I like that story. Nice to have it up and running again!

And now that all the actual comic stuff is running at full capacity, let’s see if I can get to any of the MANY, MANY site-related chores that are way overdue…

(Historical Notes: Alas, like so many other comics I referenced around here, Fragile is mostly vanished from the internet, so I guess nobody’s ever going to know what I’m talking about.  I can’t link to the Incentive Gallery either right now, but at least that’ll be back EVENTUALLY.  Also, Jenna’s hair seems to be reverting back to it’s previous form here.  I remember wrestling a lot with the desire to keep her design plain and unremarkable against the need for SOME kind of distinguishing trademark.  Obviously, the former eventually lost.)