Look! Colors other than black or white! And guess what? All the previous weeks pages are colored in too! It’s not a perfect job, and I kind of missed a few details in the rush (Jenna’s dress has spontaneously lost it’s pattern) but on the whole the pages look a lot better than they did before.

I WISH I could say that we had the Killer Station of Deadly Doom back as well, and I really was planning to get some more of those done during my days off this week. But wouldn’t you know it, IMMEDIATELY after I got home from work Monday I got gobsmacked by a pretty major cold. Hacking gallons of mucus out of your lungs and tripping out on cold medicine isn’t very conducive to productivity, and I didn’t get anywhere near as much done as I’d wanted. I doubt I’ll have time over the weekend, but hopefully sometime next week I’ll get some more Deadly Doom pages drawn and everything will back to normal around here.

Oh, and I guess I should mention the comic itself at some point. This little interlude is actually a last-minute addition, partially because I needed something simple to get back in the groove of drawing again. I like seeing this side of Avatar, though. We’ve seen so much of her being grumpy and being wise beyond her (apparent) years, it’s kinda neat to see her as just a normal little girl looking for someone to play with.

(Historical Notes: Stuff like this helps explain why Avatar is willing to hang out with Tax so much.  Also, the ship’s name wasn’t supposed to sound so much like the Mega Awesome Rangers, I should have been more careful about that.)