Well, I’m writing this a while in advance so I can’t be sure, but if all has gone REALLY well, I might be moved into my new place as you read this. If not, I’ll be sleeping on a couch for a few days. Either way, there’s still a few more of these just-barely finished pages left to go. If we’re lucky, I’ll have time to go ahead and finish them before they go online, but we’ll see…

And before anyone objects that KEVIN is the one who owes LAYLA an apology… well, tune in Friday.

(Historical Notes: I was indeed moved into the new place by the time this page went live, and it really amazes me just how much faster all this seems to fly by when I view it via these massive re-post sprees.  I thought Webcomic Time was supposed to move SLOWER, not faster.  Then again, my live in DC really did tend to move about five times faster than a normal human being is designed to function, that’s one of the many reasons I left…)