This was a SLIGHT challenge to draw, as Jenna’s expression proved very tough to nail down (I still don’t thing I got it entirely right). She’s supposed to be surprised, but less at the squeeze itself than the fact that Kevin’s actually returning a show of affection. Now she KNOWS he’s hurt deep.

Speaking of artistic nitpicking, you may notice that this page is a little… unfinished. Like, say, how Jenna’s dress is suddenly plain. Yeah, get used to that, ‘cos it’s about to get worse. Animazement and moving are right around the corner, so I’ll be spending the next night or two posting as many pages in advance as I can. To speed said process up, said pages will just be line art and text, no colors or shading or anything. Don’t worry, I’ll go back and finish them once life stops being all crazy and terrifying (as if)