Well, at least Kevin’s taking an active interest in something other than TV. Such is the power of the promise of hot make out sessions. What you REALLY have to take notice of is his ability to stay focused on that WHILE LAYLA KEEPS GIVING HIM THAT LOOK. I mean, that takes dedication.

Also, new voting incentive. It’s also got some surprising similarities to this comic. now that I think about it. Go see.

Finally, I think I need to go ahead and warn everyone that Real Life will be happening again in a few weeks. My roommate is graduating and going off to wander the globe next month, which means I’ll be moving to a new place… which I haven’t actually found yet. Yeah, rooms for rent around DC are easy to find; rooms within my price range and remotely close to my job… not so much. Oh, AND I’ve got a convention coming up next month, too. Fun. I bring all this up not to be all emo (well, maybe just a little) but to warn that the updates MIGHT get a little chaotic next month. I’ll try to avoid that, but it’s hard to plan around something that isn’t itself planed out yet, so I MIGHT get stuck having to move right away without pages ready to cover the absence. I’ll let you know if that looks like it’ll happen, but this is your advanced warning just in case.

(Historical Notes: Holy crap, we’re already getting to the point where I moved to the other side of DC?  That was, like, halfway-through my time up there.  I’m movin’ through these re-posts a lot faster than it feels.  On an actually comic-related note, I tried to show Kevin being slightly taller than Layla here, largely because we’d so rarely seen him next to her without sitting down and slouching.  I don’t think it really comes across that well, though, what with how we can’t see their feet and the total lack of any background object to compare them too.  Whoops.)