I cringe a little more every time I look at this page. This will NOT be pretty.

Speaking of pretty, though, this is the sort of thing I was talking about regarding the new profile pictures for Layla. Clearly, the boys find our Layla to be quite fetching… and then awkward (sometimes uncomfortable) comedy ensues.

Also, I just want to say that even if Kevin HAD caught on right away, he’d still be kidding himself if he thought Layla was gonna suck face with him. She may like money and all, but the girl still has STANDARDS.

Also, at long last THERE’S A NEW PAGE OF THE KILLER STATION OF DEADLY DOOM! Go vote on TWC and see!

Finally, I would also like to suggest that you drop by the Fan Stuff page… BECAUSE I SAVE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.

(Historical Notes: Okay, normally if I re-edit these comics before posting them here, it’s fixing some lettering or cleaning up some stray lines or some other little detail that usually only came up during the original editing.  If the problem is with the actual drawing itself, I try to leave it alone because of how long it’d take to actually change anything THAT big… but I made a pretty major exception here.  I struggled with drawing character in profile even worse back then than I do now, and the SmackJeeves version of this page had Layla looking ESPECIALLY bad.  The proportions of her head were all kinds of wrong, to the point of being distracting.  That was especially bad when you consider that the whole joke of this page is Kevin being all “She’s totes teh hottest OMG.”  That joke doesn’t really land if she turns up in the last panel looking like some kind of martian, so I spent a few hours in gimp mooshing things around until she looked a bit more normal.  Well, normal for this comic, at least.)