So, if you tuned in earlier this week, you were greeted with a half finished comic and a rather dour bit of comments from me. If you DIDN’T catch that update, my Grandmother passed away a few days before, so I rushed the update so it would happen while was out of town for the funeral. Now that I’ve had time to complete the entire comic, I figured I might as well replace the comments with something a little sunnier as well.

As the Alt Text mentions, I struggled with how to express the awkward pause as Kevin’s wheels slowly turn. At first I was thinking a whole BUNCH of panels, but I couldn’t figure out how to make that layout work. Then there was the question of whether or not a flickering, struggling lightbulb would work in a futuristic SciFi comic. Eventually, I just went with a layout that would give me the most space to draw Kevin’s reaction… which, in a remarkable coincidence, also ended up being the idea that was fastest to draw. It’s funny how often my purely creative decisions end up like that.

(Historical Notes: There were an unexpected number of well-wishes from readers on this one.  It kind of makes me wonder what the original, long-since-replaced comment was.)