So, on the one hand, I kind of wish I’d pushed the lighting in the second panel to be more ominous. Even if I hadn’t set the bar unusually high with the last page, part of me would still want to really make that panel more imposing and scary looking than I had time to here. It’s how Megaweapon perceives the situation, anyway. But here’s the other thing: IT’S TRIGGER. This kid couldn’t be ominous to save his life. The meanest he’s ever been is STILL more huggable than you and I will ever be. Just getting him to scowl like that was one of the more challenging artistic things I’ve had to do for a while. It’s probably for the best that I couldn’t do more mood lighting this time.
EDIT: So, I decided to quit bellyaching and actually do something for once. Extra shadows added, and it helps. I WANTED to throw in some back lighting, too, but I couldn’t think of a good way to show that on Trigger’s already pasty-white torso. YET ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE RAMPANT DANGERS OF SHIRTLESSNESS.
But yeah, there you go. The trap is fully sprung. But is that all there is to say on the subject? Tune in Friday and find out!
And, of course, there’s a new Killer Station of Deadly Doom too!
(Historical Notes: Those extra lighting bits are one of, like, five changes EVER that I actually made to the master copy file instead of the scaled down SmackJeeves copy. I automatically panicked as soon as I noticed that little edit in the comments, JUST in case something was missing from this copy. I’ve already had to stop and re-load SEVERAL pages do to exactly that happening)
They’re underestimating Megaweapon, he’s going to spend every waking moment trying to figure out ways to be mean to Jenna without triggering any verbal response, or ways which are delayed so he’s no longer nearby…like tricking her into thinking nobody came to her birthday party