Hey wow! An update that’s not ferociously late OR terribly rushed! AND I ACTUALLY LIKE IT! What is this sorcery? (an actual day off from work, THAT’S what it is)

But yeah, I really like how this page turned out, even if the light and shadow in that last panel was a BEAST to do. Next time Megaweapon appears, he’s gonna have a different hairstyle, ‘cos those highlights just get harder and harder to do with every page.

As always, The Killer Station of Deadly Doom is all new, and I suggest you go vote and read it. Otherwise, THIS will seem even more unfunny than it already is.

(Oh, and speaking of incentives, I updated the Incentive Gallery with all the recent pages, just in case anyone missed the previous incentive in all the update delays)

(Historical Notes: Man, Past Me had waaaaaaay too much faith in the links he posted being so valid a decade later that there’d be no need to include any additional context.  I COULD go read the entirety of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom again, AND a whole other year’s worth of Voting Incentives, AND ALSO cross-reference them to figure out which two related to each other in the way I allude to here… but I’m already running too far behind schedule on these reposts as it is.)