First, it’s been a while since I really cut loose and did any totally weird panels, huh? I’m not sure I pulled off the panel/lettering hybrid as clearly as I should have, but it was fun to do.

So, rather than spaming you all about the FAQ topic (whoops! Look at that!) I’m gonna spam you about The Wild Theories Thread! Go read and post stuff!

On the topic of FAQs, though, I HAVE just posted one on Conventional Wisdom that you might want to check out. It’s much shorter and simpler than Far Out There’s will be, since there’s no plot questions to deal with, but it still gives you a rough idea what it’ll look like. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Also, there’s a new page of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom for everyone who votes for Far Out There on TWC, but I’ve also gone ahead and updated the Incentive Gallery with the previous few week’s pages, just in case anyone missed the previous page in the update weirdness (because, you know, those links are the ONLY way anyone can access these pages… Yup, the only possible way)

Finally… this is really embarrassing, but… well… I kind of forgot about Far Out There’s birthday. Yup, the comic turned 4 years old back on the 13th, but I was so caught up in preparations for Katsucon that I totally forgot to do anything. I’ve got a fairly appropriate idea for a belated birthday page, though, and I’m hoping to get it posted sometime before Friday’s update. So keep an eye out for that!