Okay, this is as finished as this page is gonna get. If you somehow missed it, I had to post a lame, barely-edited “update” on Friday due to the work I was doing on Conventional Wisdom but now we get the real deal… sort of. The line work’s still kind of sloppy, and I didn’t have time to add any blur effects. but hey, Megaweapon’s green now. That’s something, right?

Anyway, sorry to keep dragging this bit out, but I wanted to make sure Megaweaopn’s little tickling episode lasted long enough to be as excruciating to YOU as it is to HIM. At least things are starting to happen now. Speaking of which, I love how cute and happy Trigger looks here. The lil’ guy’s finally getting to do what he loves again!

OH! And there’s finally a new page of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom to enjoy, which HOLY CRAP, THAT THING’S BEEN GOING FOR 50 PAGES.

(Historical Notes: So, um, I might have stopped right in the middle of another batch of Far Out There comics to do a whole batch of Conventional Wisdom comics so that that link up there would have something to lead to.)