Well, back to late, late updates again. And once again, said lateness means I’m not that pleased with how this page turned out. Aside from some layout problems (that last panel should NOT be the smallest), there really should be some blurring effects to serve as a “through the glass” distortion. I just kinda forgot about it Tuesday, but this time I had to deliberately skip that step if I wanted to get the page done at all. Well, next week’s work schedule is SLIGHTLY less punishing than the past month has been, so hopefully I’ll be able to get ahead of the curb again before Katsucon rolls around.

Admit it, though: if you were in Avatar’s position, you’d be thinking this, too.

OH! And as always, there’s another page of the Killer Station of Deadly Doom for you Ichabod fans.

(Historical Notes: I really Special Edition’d this one for the re-posting.  For whatever reason, it took me several pages of Megaweapon in the tube to remember to do the blurry “looking through glass” effect.  Maybe I was burned out after Dr. Jarre’s swirly thing?  I dunno, but this time around I stopped and added the effects in… mostly.  I left the previous page blur free, partially to make sure everyone could still see what was happening, and partially because I’d already blown a LOT of time cleaning up little nitpicky details where the two scans overlapped and just needed to move on.)