Once again, time constrains have resulted in me posting a comic that I would otherwise have held back for further editing. No backgrounds, sloppy art, and so on and so forth. But with the big MAGFest Conventional Wisdom update looming, I had to get this done as soon fast as possible… and “as fast as possible” was still two and a half hours late.

Still, one of those things I didn’t fix kind of worked out. I’d intended Megaweapon to look a little like toothpaste that just got squeezed out of the tube, not like he just got shot out a cannon. But you know what? I think it’s actually funnier this way. YAY! One less thing to feel bad about! Also, at least I didn’t forget any words this time.

I bet you I DID forget a word or two in today’s Voting Incentive, ‘cos there’s a LOT of ’em.

And speaking of a lot of words, don’t forget to go by The Forum and contribute to the FAQ discussion. It’s kind of devolving into a general Q & A session, but that’s still really useful. Anything that gives me an idea of what people want to know is good. Plus, it’s just fun talking to you guys!

(Historical Notes: I should mention that I’m planning to rewrite/update/expand all the various FAQs that eventually got written as a result of that forum topic.  Maybe I should solicit a new round of questions… if I can think of a convenient location for it that people would actually use.)