If we just had some Mad Scientists and snarky pop-cultural satire here, all the bases would be covered!

So, just in case you were in too much of a food coma to see it, a special Thanksgiving page went up yesterday. So be sure to click back and check that out. And speaking of holiday pages, stay tuned for another, even bigger announcement!

Also, be sure to vote on Top WebComics! There SHOULD be a new Voting Incentive as usual, though I can’t be entirely positive since I should be down in North Carolina by the time you read this. Well, if the incentive doesn’t get swapped out in time, I guess I’ll have edited this thing to warn you about it. Which makes most of this paragraph ENTIRELY POINTLESS.

EDIT: Yeah, the Incentive is, indeed, new. And important, too! Turns out the Killer Station of Deadly Doom might be getting more convoluted than initially assumed!

(Historical Notes: I was disappointed with myself for not thinking to make some kind of “error message” joke regarding the page number.  It took a reader mentioning it to me for me to even notice this was 404.)