It probably won’t surprise you to know that I had NO idea what the S.A.N.D. was actually going to be until right before I sat down to write this page. I mean, I knew it’d be something utterly mundane that you’d never expect from the appearance, but WHAT that mundane thing would actually be seemed so inconsequential that I completely forgot to think of it. Somehow, I don’t think Dr. Jarre would have a problem with that process.

Speaking of process, this page was a BEAST to finish. In a massage failure at sequential art, I originally drew this page as just the three big panels, no Avatar close up. It didn’t dawn on me how badly that extra beat was needed until AFTER I’d already inked and scanned the three panel version. By grace of God and poor layout, there was enough empty room for me to paste in an extra little panel, but it was still pretty tricky. So, if that panel looks a little wedged in, you have NO idea… (I SHOULD have made that panel all jagged and rough to stand out against the other, round panels. Poo.)

But moving on, extra stuff! As always, there’s a fresh Voting Incentive waiting for you on TWC, but there’s ALSO a special Halloween update coming Monday! So be sure to check in early for that!